QUESTION 1: What is ledger? ii. Explain cash book iii. Explain in details the meaning of single column and types
QUESTION 1: What is sales ledger control account? ii. Write short notes on these (a) purchase ledger (b) conrol account
QUESTION 1: Explain purchase of business account and the format
QUESTION 1: In your own language, define E-Commerce, give its types and importance QUESTION 2: Define occupation and give its classification using a diagram
QUESTION 1: With explanations, give four of the documents used in a foreign trade in your own words QUESTION 2: What is a cooperative society? Give its characteristics and its formation .
QUESTION 1: Define the term " Law of agency" types, duties and rights QUESTION 2: Differentiate between an employer and an employee and give each duties and rights
QUESTION 1: Explain Gods love for man QUESTION 2: What are the ways christians can show their new life in christ?
QUESTION 1: Narrate the first creation story QUESTION 2: Explain the sovereignth of God
QUESTION 1: Briefly explain the trial of Jesus QUESTION 2: Write the second temptation of Jesus christ
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